I will always look back to the last quarter of last year as especially noteworthy for my little family, specifically, for our travels far
We embarked on little adventures and made a lot of memories. Lots and lots of good and vivid memories, so much so that my son tells us everyday (often just from out of the blue) that he wants to go back to the US. And mind you, he does ask for specifics such as, "What time and when are we going back to Chicago?" Well, son, not until I've written about it yet! (Ha-ha, I kid you yes!)
So let me share about our little travels in the next series of posts. Let's start with the Chicago leg of our US trip.
Fall in the Windy City
We were in Chicago primarily for THE 40th Chicago Marathon, which I'm so proud to say my husband, my brother-in-law and my sister-in-law all ran. Yup, running runs in the family! The marathon surely deserves a post of it's own, but it is not my story to tell, so let me share about the "sidelines" instead.
Cheering for the runners at the 40th Chicago Marathon <3 |
I will always fondly remember the day my little toddler and I wandered off by ourselves (a first! I always get lost LOL) while my husband and my in-laws ran the marathon. We walked and talked a lot and followed the fire trucks's sirens (he's mightily fascinated with them).
Spot the Chicago fire truck! :) |
We walked around shops and parks, taking in all the sights and sounds and wondering how our runners were doing. My little toddler frolicked in the fountains of one of the parks we went to. He hopped on from one fountain to another, not minding the wind chill, drenched from head to toe. He had a blast doing that for a whole hour while I nervously momster-ed on the sides, a bit afraid he might catch a cold. We definitely had a grand time, though, and he fondly recalls our little Chicago adventure to these days.
I still get amused whenever our little guy asks us when we are returning to Chicago. Could it have been the firetrucks? The day we bravely wandered around downtown? The day we we wondered by the river and played by the fountains?The novelty of the US experience, as it was our first stop? The food trips and carboloading with our marathoner? Or all these little things put together?
One thing is for sure -- his joy could not be contained that he had Dad and Mommy to himself and we were all in a new territory, exploring it together.
With our marathoner just past the Finish Line <3 :) |