Konnichiwa! Back from Japan

Monday, March 02, 2015

To more travels with you, my loves. :)

Konnichiwa! Ohayo!

I am still fatigued on a high from our trip to Tokyo. We packed our coats and gloves and scarves, temporarily bid sunny Manila and our home and work and our yaya goodbye. For six days, we waded our toes in still-winter-but-almost-spring heart of Japan and thoroughly enjoyed it.

We made new memories, bonded day in and out, explored parts of ourselves and of our dynamics in a way that we don't get to when in the comforts of our home. It was a milestone moment for our little family and for me. As a mom, as a wife.

Truth be told, the trip was pretty exhausting for me. We had no yaya, my baby (err, toddler now) did not want to have anything to do with the stroller most of the time (and I had to walk kilometers upon kilometers carrying him), I ran around a lot with him, not to mention that the little guy is now at that stage wherein he is pretty assertive with his likes and dislikes, which are often in conflict with our itinerary. :) A day was devoted for the hsuband running the Tokyo Marathon too, so I didn't think it was wise to tire him much.

But my golly, I was truly beaten tired by the end of the trip! Don't get me wrong, this was what I wanted; I could not even begin to imagine going away for a night and leaving my baby alone. And, all exhaustion aside, I really did enjoy the whole trip. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. But only after I take a week of rest, please. Ha ha!

I will share more intimate stories of our wonderful Japan adventure in my upcoming post/s. We are currently on staycation in (where else!) Solaire for the weekend, the perfect segue (or bridge-gap?) from our lovely vacation to reality. Yep, we haven't even unpacked our luggages yet and we had to start packing again yesterday. I don't mind though. Consider myself charging up for my upcoming posts. ;)

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